Education Services and Resources

Arula staff presenting Innovative Grants session at Founded in FoCo 2024

Our experience has taught us that many nonprofit teams are either completely volunteer-comprised or are very small, many having no background in nonprofit development. It can be overwhelming to come into a world that you don’t know anything about and be expected to keep an organization afloat. We are here to help. We aim to give you and your team the tools you need to succeed.

Arula offers a variety of workshops designed to educate nonprofit professionals about nonprofit management and development. Most of our workshops can be scaled from 2 hour to half-day programs. Additional consultation hours can be added on for an additional fee.

We have also put together a platform with resources we have developed through our years of experience. We hope to continue to add content to this platform to keep you up to date on the world of nonprofit fundraising and development and to keep things engaging!

Workshops and Training


Grants 101


Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Development


Developing Successful Goals


Crafting Non-Traditional Events for Impact

Resources and Tools


Resources and Tools Platform

Grants 101


Grant writing can feel like a daunting process to many. How do you find opportunities? Once I find it, what do I do to be able to show how amazing my organization is? Arula has heard it all and walked with nonprofits from start-up to established with over 50 years of experience in their field to find opportunities that best align with an organization to successfully receiving and managing over 170 awards. 

This educational opportunity will walk through the 10,000 foot view on how to find grant opportunities, assess if the opportunity is for you, and write the grant. We include a grant readiness checklist for all participants to get “grant-ready” before you even start looking for grants. This 2 hour event goes over all the essentials for any organization seeking grant funding. 

Additionally, the last 30 minutes of the presentation will go over data tracking and fiscal responsibility when your organization is successfully awarded funding. These processes should be set up before trying to report on goals and outcomes promised to grantors. Throughout the whole training, you will get to hear from fundraising professionals, ask questions, and dialog about best practices for grant writing. 

If interested, Arula offers a 45 minute workshop after the 2 hour training to walk through grant-readiness with new organizations or review an item of concern for participants. 

Expected Outcomes:

  1. 100% of nonprofits who attend the seminar will be able to discuss their goals with a grant-writing professional.
    • If a participant is unable to speak with one of our team members, we will be available to schedule something at a later date to ensure anyone interested is able to connect with the presenters.
  2. 100% of participants will report being able to articulate what their next step is in the grant writing process

Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Development


Arula’s strategic planning sessions are known to be actionable, sustainable, and directionable for an organization. This 2 hour training will partner with board members to train and instruct on their responsibilities on guiding the vision of the organization for sustainable growth and achievement of goals. Board members will be instructed on the various roles on a board, how to create actionable goals, and evaluation metrics to incorporate to communicate to donors, community advocates, and creating clear messaging to communicate at events and to funders. 

Any participant will receive a discounted price on a strategic planning session for their board. After the presentation, Arula offers the opportunity for a free 30-minute consult with a fundraising professional to assess further support. 

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Board members will be able to articulate one specific goal for their organization
  2. 50% of board members will report having learned something new about their role as a board member

Developing Successful Goals


Since funding opportunities are becoming more competitive and giving around the U.S. is decreasing, nonprofits are struggling with their fundraising initiatives. Many organizations are working to diversify their revenue to become less dependent on grant funding, however the need for clear goals and measurable outcomes is required, regardless of revenue sources. Our training will equip nonprofits to write better grants, evaluate programs effectively, and implement programs that can generate diversified revenue. This will be achieved through a presentation about three key program and organization measurement concepts: goals, outcomes, and output.

The presentation will start by unpacking each of these areas, highlighting the biggest pitfalls we see in the nonprofits we work with and what we hear from grantors in what they are looking for when evaluating a nonprofit. Having a comprehensive understanding of these three areas will allow organizations to develop a strong strategic plan for their programs which ultimately will allow clear communication with funders, ease their grant writing process, and increase the quality of program evaluation, all of which will increase their fundraising capabilities and allow them to implement their mission at a greater capacity than ever before. In addition to effective program evaluation, understanding these three points will also support board-led strategic planning sessions to guide the nonprofit in short- and long-term achievements. Lastly, the fundraising sphere has been recently changing in terms of giving patterns, foundations’ financial capacity, and grantors’ funding structure. Having strong goals, outcomes, and output in the organization and programs will better equip nonprofits to adapt to this changing fundraising world and allow them to demonstrate their effectiveness in addressing the needs of communities they serve. 

After we have unpacked the topics discussed above, the presenters will walk through a few case study examples of strong implementation and weak implementation of these measurement concepts. While this information is applicable to nonprofit organizations in every subject area, we will highlight a nonprofit with a direct service program. 

Finally, the presentation will end with a small workshop where attendees are able (and encouraged) to speak with our fundraising professionals about a program they have developed or are developing. We will guide them through the process we taught so that they are able to have stronger grant applications, increased award rates, and clearer direction for stakeholders. 

Expected Outcomes

  1. 100% of nonprofits who attend the seminar will be able to discuss their goals with a grant-writing professional.
    • If a participant is unable to speak with one of our team members, we will be available to schedule something at a later date to ensure anyone interested is able to connect with the presenters.
  2. Increase in quality of goals to fit funder requirements to support applications, grant awards, and positive evaluation on a specific program/grant application.
  3. Attendees will be able to articulate and implement the difference between goals/outcomes/output

Crafting Non-Traditional Events for Impact


In a world where the standard fundraising gala can sometimes fade into the background of community calendars, Arula presents a workshop designed to break the mold: “Crafting Non-Traditional Events for Impact.” This dynamic session is dedicated to those looking to infuse innovation into their event planning, creating moments that not only capture attention but also deeply resonate with participants. We delve into strategies for conceptualizing and executing events that step outside the traditional frameworks, focusing on engaging, memorable experiences that align with your organization’s mission and fundraising goals.

Drawing on the presenter’s combined 400+ events successfully executed, this workshop combines practical insights with creative inspiration. We will explore the essential elements of standout event planning, from initial concept to engaging sponsors in new and practical ways

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Participants will leave with a toolkit of strategies for creating and implementing non-traditional events.
  2. An understanding of how unique events can significantly enhance community engagement and fundraising efforts.
  3. Inspiration drawn from successful case studies, including insights into managing challenges and maximizing impact.
  4. Opportunity for a personalized consultation, offering guidance tailored to your organization’s specific needs and goals.
  5. Join us to redefine the possibilities for your next event and ensure it’s anything but just another gala.

Resources and Tools Platform

We understand that not every organization can afford to pay a grant writer or nonprofit consultant yet they still need help to achieve their goals. Arula was founded with a goal of helping all nonprofits, no matter the size and budget, and that still holds true today. To meet the needs of all sizes of organizations, we have created a platform with resources we have developed through our years of experience.

Stay tuned for this platform to go live!

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