
How to Read a 990 When Making Donations

When deciding whether to donate to a nonprofit, you want to ensure that your money is being used effectively. One of the best tools for evaluating a nonprofit’s financial health and transparency is the Form 990, which nonprofits file annually with the IRS. This...

Affordable Grant Research Tools: Exploring Alternatives to FDO

If you’ve ever searched for grants, you know the struggle is real. Nonprofits are out here saving the world one program at a time, but somehow, researching funding still feels like decoding ancient scrolls—with a hefty price tag attached. Many organizations rely on...

Honoring Black History: Legacy, Contributions, and Community Impact in Colorado

In honor of Black History Month, we want to highlight the historical community work led by Black people in Colorado. Black people have always existed and continue to be thriving, active members of society. The history, contributions, and achievements of all...
A Guide to Preparing for Grant Reporting

A Guide to Preparing for Grant Reporting

Grant reporting is a crucial aspect of grant management, and it involves the documentation and communication of the progress, outcomes, and financial status of a grant-funded project to the grantor or funding agency. Not only is reporting important for measuring...

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Reflections from the Founder

Reflections from the Founder

As we mark another milestone in Arula’s journey, I find myself in a reflective state, contemplating the remarkable path we have traversed since our inception. From the outset, Arula was conceived not merely as a business but as an innovation towards supporting the...

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Intro to Diversity for Nonprofits

Intro to Diversity for Nonprofits

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, have become buzzwords recently, gaining significant traction within various sectors of society. This surge in attention reflects a growing awareness of the importance of embracing and prioritizing these principles especially...

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Discovering the Unexpected World of Nonprofits

Discovering the Unexpected World of Nonprofits

When you think of nonprofits, images of charitable organizations, community centers, or advocacy groups might come to mind. However, the nonprofit sector is far broader and more diverse than many realize.  At its core, a nonprofit entity is an organization that...

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2023: End-of-Year Wrap Up

2023: End-of-Year Wrap Up

Happy End of Year! As we close out 2023 and reflect back on the year, I am proud of what our team has built and accomplished together this year. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to making what Arula is today! 2023 Recap As most everyone experienced, 2023 was...

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The Importance of Certifications… Or Not

The Importance of Certifications… Or Not

Some might argue that getting certified as a grant writer (GPC) or fundraising professional (CFRE) makes a person or its company more marketable or credible, but professional certifications are often a privilege and not accessible by all. Why does having a GPC (Grant...

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The Nonprofit Profession: A Woman’s Perspective

The Nonprofit Profession: A Woman’s Perspective

As a cisgender white woman, I recognize my privilege and acknowledge that women and girls, especially those with intersecting identities such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, age, ability,...

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